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Intelligent sorting technology
  • How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? Aug 17, 2024
    The ignition loss of ore refers to the mass percentage of water and other volatile components lost by ore under specific conditions. This indicator is of great significance for understanding the quality of ore, estimating energy consumption and by-product emissions during smelting. Different types of ores have different ignition loss standards and methods, such as phosphate ore, iron ore, aluminum ore, etc. Their determination methods may involve weight method, burning method, etc. The weight method is the most commonly used method for determining the ignition loss of ore. This method calculates the ignition loss based on the difference between the mass lost by the sample after burning under high temperature conditions and the mass of the original sample. The specific operation steps include sample preparation, drying, burning, cooling and weighing, and calculating the ignition loss. There are many international standards that specify the determination method of ignition loss of ore, such as ISO 11536:2015, GB/T 6730.68-2009, GB/T 3257.21-1999, etc. These standards specify in detail the requirements for experimental equipment, sample preparation, experimental operation steps, calculation of results and assessment of uncertainty to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of measurement results. Reducing the ore loss on ignition can directly increase the recovery rate of ore, increase the amount of available resources, and thus improve the economic benefits of the enterprise. The reduction in ore loss on ignition means that more valuable ore is recycled, which not only increases the output of the enterprise, but also reduces the production cost of unit products and increases the profit margin. Reducing the ore loss on ignition helps to reduce environmental damage and pollution. The loss on ignition during ore mining and processing often causes a large amount of solid waste, which, if improperly handled, will pollute the land, water and air. Reducing the loss on ignition means reducing the generation of these wastes, thereby reducing the burden on the environment. From the perspective of social responsibility, reducing the ore loss on ignition reflects the company's responsible attitude towards society and the environment. Rational use of resources and reduction of resource waste are in line with the concept of sustainable development, which helps companies establish a good social image and win the respect and support of society. So how should we reduce the ore loss on ignition? First of all, from the perspective of mining technology, reducing the loss on ore can be done from the following aspects: Strengthen geological data management: timely geological sampling and geological sketch compilation, provide reliable original data for mining design and production, correctly define the mining scope, reduce ore loss and rock mixing. Rationally select development methods and mining methods: select mining methods suitable for the conditions of ore body occurrence, such as segmented open-pit method, filling method, etc., to reduce ore loss and dilution. Improve the technical operation level of operators: strengthen technical training and education of employees to improve their operating skills and management capabilities. Optimize the structural parameters of the mining field: reasonably determine the structural parameters such as the length, width, and height of the mining field to improve the stability and recovery rate of the mining field. Strengthen geological exploration work: use high-precision three-dimensional geological modeling, geophysical exploration and other technical means to accurately locate and delineate the ore body, and provide accurate basis for mining design. In terms of mineral processing technology, the following are some technical measures to reduce the loss on ore: Introduce advanced mineral processing technology and equipment: such as high-efficiency flotation machines, magnetic separators, etc., to improve mineral processing efficiency and concentrate quality. Optimize the mineral processing process: strengthen mineral processing test research, carry out multi-scheme mineral processing tests, and determine the best mineral processing process parameters and reagent system. Use new gravity separation equipment: such as centrifugal concentrators, high-frequency screens and spiral chutes, etc., to improve the concentrate grade and reduce metal loss in tailings. Breakthrough and development of magnetic separation technology: use strong magnetic separation and high-gradient magnetic separation technology to improve the concentrate grade and reduce the cost in the mineral processing process. Optimization of flotation process: improve the flotation effect by optimizing the type and ratio of flotation agents and using new flotation equipment. Intelligent mineral processing technology also shows great potential in reducing the loss on ignition of ore: Ore characteristic detection technology: obtain various parameters of ore through high-precision detection equipment to provide data support for subsequent intelligent sorting. Intelligent sorting technology: including image recognition sorting, photoelectric sorting, vibration sorting, etc. These technologies can realize the automatic identification, classification and separation of minerals and improve the efficiency and quality of mineral processing. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorting Machine Automatic control technology: By real-time monitoring of various indicators in the mineral processing process, the automatic control of the production process is realized, and the mineral processing efficiency and safety are improved. Data processing and analysis technology: By mining and analyzing a large amount of production data, the mineral processing process is optimized and the mineral processing effect is improved. AI Intelligent Mineral Ore Sorting Machine Taking the intelligent sorting of wollastonite as an example, a large wollastonite enterprise has achieved accurate sorting of wollastonite ore by introducing photoelectric AI sorting equipment. On the premise of ensuring that the loss on ignition of the finished product is less than 4.5%, the concentrate yield is guaranteed as much as possible. After sorting by the photoelectric AI sorting machine, the loss on ignition of the finished product is controlled at about 4.4%, and the loss on ignition of the tailings is higher than 10%. This shows that by properly adjusting the operating parameters, the loss on ignition can be effectively reduced while ensuring the sorting accuracy. AI Sorting Machine Sparate Pegmatite Quartz Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the production of intelligent sorting equipment for more than ten years. The photoelectric sorting equipment it produces has introduced artificial intelligence technology and big data technology. It can automatically identify and classify minerals by extracting the surface characteristics of minerals, realize accurate sorting of raw ores, and effectively reduce the loss on ignition. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine In general, reducing the loss on ignition of ore requires comprehensive consideration from multiple aspects such as mining process optimization, mineral processing process innovation and optimization, and the application of intelligent mineral processing technology. Through these methods, not only can resource utilization be improved, but also environmental pollution can be reduced, economic benefits can be improved, and a solid foundation can be laid for the sustainable development of the mining industry. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the future mining industry will be more efficient, environmentally friendly and intelligent.

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