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ore photoelectric sorting technology
  • Current Status and Development Trend of Global Ore Sorting Current Status and Development Trend of Global Ore Sorting Aug 24, 2024
    I. Overview Ore sorting technology refers to the technology of classifying and separating ores by using various sensing technologies and physical property differences. With the advancement of science and technology, ore sorting technology has evolved from traditional manual sorting, mechanical sorting to modern flotation, electric sorting, intelligent sorting and other stages. Ore sorting technology is one of the key technologies in the mining field, which directly affects the utilization efficiency of ore and the economic benefits of enterprises. At present, global ore sorting technology is in a period of rapid development. New technologies such as X-ray fluorescence sorting and near-infrared sorting are being widely studied and applied to improve the efficiency and accuracy of ore sorting while reducing the impact on the environment. II. Current status of global ore sorting technology The development of global ore sorting technology is currently diversified and concentrated. The following is an overview of the development of ore sorting technology in some key countries and regions: North America The United States and Canada have relatively advanced technologies in the field of ore sorting technology, especially in intelligent sorting technology and automated control systems. Europe Europe has also made significant progress in ore sorting technology, especially the research and application of X-ray fluorescence sorting (XRF) and near-infrared sorting (NIR) technologies. These technologies have played an important role in improving the accuracy and efficiency of ore sorting. Asia Ore sorting technology in Asia has developed rapidly, especially China and Japan have invested a lot of R&D resources in ore sorting technology. As the world's largest ore consumer, the development of China's ore sorting technology is of great significance to improving the utilization efficiency of mineral resources and reducing environmental pollution. Japan has outstanding performance in the innovation and application of ore sorting technology. South America Brazil in South America has also made breakthroughs in ore sorting technology, especially in iron ore beneficiation technology. Brazil is an important iron ore producer and exporter in the world, and the development of its ore sorting technology has an important impact on the global market. Africa The development of ore sorting technology in Africa is relatively slow, but with the continuous deepening of resource development, African countries have also begun to pay attention to the research and application of ore sorting technology. Middle East Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Middle East have also made some progress in ore sorting technology, especially in the mining and sorting of oil and gas resources. III. Global ore sorting development trends With the continuous advancement of science and technology, ore sorting technology is also developing and innovating. Automation and intelligence Automation and intelligence are the main development trends of ore sorting technology. Automation technology can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the sorting process by reducing human intervention. For example, through the automated control system, real-time monitoring and adjustment of ore sorting equipment can be achieved to optimize the overall workflow. Intelligence involves the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, which can help mining companies make more accurate predictions and analyses of ore properties, thereby improving the effect of mineral processing. Environmental protection and energy saving With the increasingly stringent global environmental regulations, ore sorting technology is developing in the direction of environmental protection and energy saving. For example, biological mineral processing is an emerging environmental protection technology that uses organisms to selectively separate minerals, with the characteristics of low energy consumption and low pollution. In addition, low-carbon emission processes are also a hot topic in current research, which can reduce carbon emissions by adopting new energy equipment or optimizing combustion systems to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Efficient ore sorting equipment The research and development and use of efficient and energy-saving ore dressing equipment is an important branch of ore sorting technology. For example, the advancement of magnetic separator technology, including high-gradient magnetic separation technology and superconducting magnetic separation technology, can not only improve the recovery rate of weakly magnetic iron ore, but also effectively separate non-magnetic impurities and improve the quality of concentrate. The optimization of flotation equipment, such as the introduction of automatic control systems and the development of flotation reagents, is also the key to improving ore dressing efficiency. Comprehensive utilization and waste treatment Resource recycling and waste treatment is another important development direction of ore sorting technology. New tailings treatment technologies, such as tailings dry stacking technology, can effectively avoid the risk of tailings pond collapse and reduce environmental pollution. In addition, the development of tailings processing technology allows some valuable metals to be extracted again from tailings to achieve resource recycling. Since its establishment in 2014, Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the research and development, production and sales of ore photoelectric sorting technology and equipment. With the development and major breakthroughs of AI technology, Mingde Optoelectronics has kept up with the world's technological frontier, creatively introduced relevant technologies in the field of ore photoelectric sorting, and launched AI ore sorting machines with better sorting effects, which greatly broadened the scope of application of photoelectric sorting equipment for ores. It has been successfully applied in gold and molybdenum mines, especially in the sorting of pegmatite quartz. AI Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine In 2022, the company further launched an AI heavy-duty intelligent sorting machine, pushing the machine's output to 200 tons/hour, meeting the requirements of mining companies for large-scale ore sorting. Heavy Duty AI Sorting Mahcine Overall, ore sorting technology in various parts of the world has made more or less progress, but due to the complexity and diversity of ore sorting technology and different national conditions of various countries, there are still differences in the development level of various regions. Among them, Europe, the United States and Japan still have technical advantages in the field of ore sorting. China's ore sorting technology has developed rapidly in recent years and has strong practicality and economy. As for the future development trend of ore sorting technology, it will focus on automation and intelligence, environmental protection and energy saving, efficient mineral processing equipment, and comprehensive utilization and waste treatment. The development of these technologies will help improve the utilization rate of ore, reduce production costs, while reducing the impact on the environment and achieving sustainable development of the mining industry.

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