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The role of Mingde Optoelectronics AI ore sorting machine in improving the grade of talc

Feb 26, 2025

      Talc ore is a layered structure of hydrated silicate mineral, mainly composed of magnesium, silicon, and water molecules.It has a wide range of applications in multiple fields, such as adding talcum powder to some cosmetics,therefore, high-quality talc has attracted much attention.


white talc


       Quality, whiteness, and loss on ignition are the three major indicators for evaluating the quality of talc.Firstly,The quality of talc is usually determined by its purity, that is, the proportion of active ingredients contained.High quality talc means that its impurity content is relatively low.Secondly,whiteness is an important standard for measuring the color of talc, and high whiteness talc is more popular in the market, especially in industries such as coatings, papermaking, and ceramics.Thirdly,the loss on ignition refers to the percentage of mass lost by talc during high-temperature calcination, mainly the loss of moisture and volatile substances.If a certain amount of talc can meet the above three indicators, then it is top-grade talc.


AI sorter from Mingde company


       Among these three indicators, the control of whiteness and loss on ignition depends on chemical methods, but the improvement of quality can be achieved through physical methods.For improving the quality of talc, the traditional method is to use manual sorting and enrichment to increase the grade of talc ore, but this method has limited efficiency and accuracy.The method of photoelectric sorting is quietly emerging now,for example, the photoelectric ore sorting series equipment from Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. in Hefei, Anhui, China, especially the AI ore sorting machine, can effectively process talc containing high silicon and high calcium.

     The AI sorting machine can achieve millisecond level recognition of ore texture and color features through multispectral imaging and deep learning algorithms, with a sorting recognition accuracy of 98% and a reduction of talc concentrate carryover ratio to less than 3%. By adopting equipment, the processing capacity of raw ore can be increased by 5 times, and the amount of tailings accumulation can be reduced by 70%.Compared to the traditional Raymond  process, the rate of high-quality products has increased from 75% to 92%.

       For Chinese talc mines, the multidimensional innovation of mineral processing technology from physical separation to chemical modification, combined with the intelligent breakthrough of Mingde's artificial intelligence sorting machine, is reshaping the value chain of the talc industry.

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